Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bartow Biz Kids

Bartow BIZ KIDS 2012 Summer Workshops

Kids Learning About Business From Downtown Merchants

Age: Third grade through eighth
Duration: 6 Days, every Tuesday from July 10 through August 14
Two time periods, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Shops participating: The Doggie Bag, The Cool Shoppe, 5 Star Skate Shop, Tay-Cho, Made of Clay, The Cookie Jar, Stanford on Main, The Polk County Democrat, The Polk County History Center, so far.

Contact the bussinesses directly to sign up:
The Doggie Bag - 533-6807
Bartow Flowers & Gifts - 533-7623
The Cool Shoppe - 533-1365
Tay-Cho - 533-2365
The Cookie Jar - 519-3333
Parker Place - 534-2697
Stanford on Main - 226-3220
The Polk County Democrat - 533-4183
The Polk County History Center 534-4386
5 Star Skate Shop - 537-6294
Made of Clay 513-0049

Cost per session: $15 per child; limit 6 children per session.

Each child will get a t-shirt and something produced during the session. The t-shirt will have the businesses participating and a discount for parents who bring their children in wearing the shirt for the following year.

The Democrat will run a tabloid produced by the children, which will include photos and stories by them about the program.

The Bartow Marketing Partnership has a limited number of scholarships available for kids wishing to attend, who might not have the free readily available. If you are interested, call Virginia Condello at the Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce, 533-7125.

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